Certified Agile Product Management Program

Take our plus hands on experience live course and be on your way to becoming one of the most sought-after experts in the product development space. 

This is an 8-week intensive hands-on program that sees you working- in a simulated environment- on the various stages of the product software development cycle.

About The Course

An 8-week course that adopts the hands-on approach in equipping you with the right digital skills, tools and experience needed to be part of a product development/management team. Begin your career journey to becoming one of the most-sought after professionals in the product management space.

In this program, it’s okay to have no previous technical know-how, as you’ll begin with 2-week  of well-detailed relevant theories. Observe excitedly as you gradually develop all soft and technical skills needed to excel. And NO, coding skills are not a prerequisite.


Here is how it works

We kick off with a FREE digital transformation course, which is aimed at educating you on how to use digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. Later on you’ll learn about the various artifacts produced at different stages of the product development to ascertain if you fit in best as a Product Owner, Scrum Master, Business Analyst, Product Manager or Software developer. In the last 6 weeks of your program we will delve into intensive product simulation and digital tools training, targeted at helping you become an expert at using journey mapping tools, online collaborative platforms and project management tools like Confluence, Miro, Smaply, Jira, Mural, Lucidchart, Mockflow.com and so much more. This gets you ready for the next phase- Our Product Management Work experience where you will belong to an Agile team in developing and managing live digital products, rolling your sleeves up to get the job done.

Course Description:

Career prospects

Your career prospects after taking this course will be so worth it! At the end of this course, you will possess skills and  expertise to apply for and secure roles such as:


Get this course N520K / £999 You Pay N369k/ £699